First: a picture from Armenia of some of my family. The relationship is that the parents of some of the folks in the picture were my mom's Godparents - and in Armenian culture, that is just as good or better than blood relatives. So my mom is like a sister, therefore making me a nephew to them. And I was treated as such. As you can see, the table is barely visible under all that delicious food! I will share more once I write about this particular day, but suffice it to say that the term "family" was truly realized - I felt so blessed to be a part.
Second: while I was in Armenia I received something that always warms my heart - an email from one of my Scholars (for those of you who don't know, I called my 8th grade students, Scholars, for they truly embodied the spirit of learning and discovery). Anyway, one of my students named Indigo emailed me about a couple very exciting updates in her life. She will be starting the 11th grade come fall. Back when she was in 8th grade, suffice it to say that Indigo was one of those scholars who us teachers wish we could fill our classes with. She was hard-working, caring, kind, passionate, involved, and had a wit about her that made her absolutely wonderful to have in class. I have, with Indigo's permission, included her email to me below, because I wanted to share just how excited I was by her news! She also reads the blog, so feel free to leave her encouraging comments as she continues her journey through BCPSS (baltimore city public school system) and beyond! Great job Indigo!!
"Hey mr A. Good to know every thing is going good. I am taking a trip this summer. I will be going to India. It is a part of a school project. I will be helping build a school and doing leadership training from july26-aug15. It is a part of the ambassadors club with oprah winfrey."
I asked Indigo if she had ever been on an airplane before. Below was her second email - which made me even PROUDER of Indigo for all her hard work. It is truly paying off and she truly will be a Scholar who realizes the excitement of 2014 (her COLLEGE graduation!) Let me just be clear here that I had nothing to do with Indigo's success - this is all her passion and drive and determination to use the talents God has blessed her life with in order to achieve greater good and success in life. Keep it up Indigo!
"No I have never flown before. I have never been out of the country, but I guess that makes it so much more exciting!!!!!! I will be getting a digital camera and sharing my experiences with all my friends, family and former science teachers(
Hey, without teachers like yourself Hov, there would be a lot less Indigos in the world. As far as Miss Indigo goes, great job! Keep it up! We need more people like you in this world of ours!!!