Well, I have visited my aunt's in Thousand Oaks over the last week and loved it. The area around their house, on top of a hill, is so peaceful and a perfect place to kick back, read a book, and do a lot of chillin'. But yesterday, I met up with my friend Garineh and Tammy and now I'm in ONE of the hearts of Los Angeles, very near to UCLA, ready to explore the city.
Yesterday, our goal was to go to Church for Divine Liturgy. Unfortunately, SOMEBODY (no need to mention names), was slightly late. This SOMEBODY arrived at 1130am at my aunt's house instead of 930am :) But all is well that ends well and we ended up attending just the picnic - where they served a delicious lulu kebab dinner (or chicken, but I chose the lulu). After the picnic, we headed to the Santa Monica Pier, which was GORGEOUS. We went on the Ferris Wheel and had some gorgeous views of the ocean and the surrounding community of Santa Monica. Very fun indeed!
Now I have the whole day to myself, because Gar has an "on call" day where she has to work 30 hours STRAIGHT at the hospital (she is in her first year of Residency, known as the "intern year". She LOVES her job (and I have no doubt that she is amazing at it!) So, my plans for today are to actually use public transportation in Los Angeles for the first time in my life! I looked it up, and since I'm staying in a big area of LA, it turns out it is very easy to take the buses. I am still deciding if I should visit the Getty Center or head back to Santa Monica and just relax on the beach or visit the Promenade. I'm definitely leaning toward the Getty for its beautiful views and sites of the LA basin around it.
Pictures and stories to come after my adventures!
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