Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Did You Know!

Instead of telling you the answer, we are going to do things a little differently this time. I am going to give you all a taste of the type of multiple choice questions we are asked on the USMLE Step 1. And remember, there are 342 questions we must answer, over an eight hour exam day.

Good luck! Post your answers in the comment section and let's see who gets it correct. I will post the right answer in a few days. And remember: No cheating - look up the answer on your own!

A 38 year old female patient presents to your clinic. You have been treating this patient regularly for seizures in the past. The patient now presents to you complaining of a rash on her face - you find redness extending outwards from the midline of her face onto her cheeks. Laboratory results show anti-histone antibodies. Which of the following drugs most likely caused the current symptoms in this patient:

A) Adriomycin
B) Ethosuximide
C) Furosemide
D) Hydrochlorothiazide
E) Methotrexate
F) Phenytoin
G) Quinidine
H) Rifampin
I) Warfarin


  1. I though it was procainamide, hydralazine, or isoniazid, none of which are listed....

  2. Hey Asian with spiky hair! :)

    I have to say a big OOPS - I typed parts of two questions in my head into the post. I have made the corrections and you should be able to get it correct now. Thanks for catching my mistake!

  3. Well, of course, we all know it's the vetsereort one.
