Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The boys of cabin 5 got past Tamara and I on night watch. We were stealth like whilst sitting in our comfy chairs, bundled up, watching a movie. OK, maybe we weren't very stealth like, but we sure were keeping our ears open for sounds.

Nothing. Those boys got past us in the dead of night, down to the lake, had some joy rides on the canoes, then left them all untied. The adults, of course, discovered this in the morning - when we found all the canoes floating in the lake. I actually got into one of the canoes and then towed the other five behind me, putting the rope for each under my foot and rowing them all back to dock on the other side of the lake. Good exercise.

Well, the boys, being boys, couldn't keep their mouth shut. So they bragged to some friends, who bragged to a counselor, who told Tammy and I on the sly. BATTLE ON! I decided we needed to play a prank back on those guys - so the fun started at evening chapel. We sent messengers to the boys with various messages - they never figured out who it was until the "earthquake" the next morning. But I'm jumping ahead.

Message 1: "We know what you did last night."

Message 2: "The canoes are not pleased. Be afraid - be very afraid."

Message 3: This was in the form of a letter from the canoes that was delivered to the boys at dinner time. "Dear Cabin 5, We know what you did last night. Canoes have feelings, too. Sleep with one eye open tonight. Love, The Canoes"; This message got the best response from the boys as they kept looking around trying to figure out who was sending them all these messages. It was awesome and very funny.

Message 4: During campfire, Tamara and I snuck into Cabin 5 and put signs up on every bunk and their door that said: "God is watching...and so were we!"

The rest of the night was uneventful. Then, at around 5:30am, the EARTHQUAKE!!!!! happened. Tam and I burst into their cabin, screaming "EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE!!!!!! GET UNDER YOUR BUNKS NOW!!!!!" We kept screaming this, and shaking their bunks, and a couple of other counselors helped out by banging on the walls from the outside. It was pure prank heaven.

Boys were dropping from the top bunks to the ground. Most were in their boxers since they were sleeping - but they got on the ground QUICK and started shimmying under their bunks. Tam and I did this for about a minute before we stopped, looked at each other, and then said to them: "Y'all got Punk'd! Have a great day, guys!"

Oh, the pleasures of camp!

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