Monday, March 16, 2009

Upcoming Events

I have nothing to do this week. I have finished my 12 week internal medicine rotation and don't start my 12 week surgery rotation until March 30. I still have to study in preparation for my exams, however, I have some free time to relax and enjoy the city!

Here is the current schedule:
March 16 - Relax, Workout, Study
March 17 - Relax, Workout, Study
March 18 - Relax, Workout, Study (see a pattern yet?)
March 19 - Relax, Workout, Study (yet?)
March 20 - Relax, Workout, Study (YET?!)
March 21 - Depart NYC for DC/Baltimore
March 22-29 Relax in DC/Baltimore, Play Games w/Nephews, Workout, Study
March 29 - Celebrate my Nephew's Birthday Party!!! Then depart for NYC
March 30 - Return to NYC

As you can see, I have "Relax" inserted in many spots - so feel free to hit the comments below and send me suggestions of things YOU would want to do if you were in NYC. I will go do them and then post pictures up here. Most especially, if you are my FAVORITE 3rd grade class (hint, hint Mrs. A), think of something fun you would want to do in NYC and I will go take a picture there and post it up here for you guys!


  1. Go see Mary Poppins. You will not be disappointed.

  2. We are reading a story about skyscrapers...Jasmine wants a picture of one! Jacob wants Statue of Liberty, Angelina wants to know if there is still snow...Gianna wants to see a hot dog vendor or a shish kabob vendor(vendor is one of our vocab. words!) and we want to see a picture of you in your white lab (dr.) coat!!!!!!!! Asia wants you to find the candy store Dylan's and I want to see the Tiffany's diamond! Anything else you think we would like to see please send it! We miss you!!! Mrs. Allbritton's 2nd/3rd grade

  3. I'd like to see pictures of the new Yankee Stadium, John Lennon's Imagine Plaque in Central park, the penguins at the Central Park Zoo, you playing the foot piano at FAO, a picture of you with the real Regis, Kelly Ripa, or Elisabeth Hasselbeck, you doing a one-handed push-up, movie night at Bryant park, purses in a plastic trash bag street vendor, the "inappropriate" cowboy, the view from Empire State Building at sunset, inside of Madison Square Garden and Giants Stadium, 2 tickets to SNL and a plane ticket for me!
