Monday, March 21, 2011

New Blog Design

Every so often I feel it is time to mix things up here on the blog. The old design I had started feeling stuffy and heavy. While I loved the outward lines of alternating patriotic beauty, the grays in the color palette started feeling too dark and dreary for my tastes. And the smaller than normal font on that blog design was starting to exhaust my eyes.

Enter this new design. I found it as one of the options, ready-made for those of us computer half-literate folks who like things ready-made, like peanut butter, sliced fruit, and blog designs. I loved it because it feels light, airy and exciting. It evokes movement and change, similar to how my life is moving forward and change is coming. It also feels more minimalist, something I have been striving to be as a way to declutter and simplify my life.

I have also discovered that I can make the font a bigger size and I have also added space on the screen devoted to the main text, allowing it to pop to the reader more easily.

I would love your suggestions and welcome you to comment on any changes you want to see to make the blog more accessible and easier to interact with. And as always, thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. I really do not have an opinion - I just like to have blog entries to read! lol Still waiting to celebrate!!!
